Most people say that fallin in love is the greatest thing that ever happened to human being, but behind that, fallin in love is also the worst thing that ever happened to human being. When you’re in love, you give almost fifty percent of your authority to be happy to the one that you love. Maybe you see it as nothing, but if you look closely, you’re in dangerous because you’re not the one that control your own happiness.
Scary thing about fallin in love is, your happiness sometimes depend on her, maybe it sound chessy as fuck, but from what i feel, it’s not entirely wrong. Someday when you’re happy and you see her having a badmood that can’t be fixed by you. Her badmoodness is somehow become yours.
Another thing about fallin in love is you'll see everything about her is so charming, so perfect, no matter how bad the fact you've seen about her, you'll never judge her wrong. never. and the worst of the worst is when your mind keep thinking about her. sorry, i'm wrong, the worst of the worst isn't that one, but it's when you've seen her baggage and you still thinking that she's ok, and your mind keep thinking that you still have a chance, but in fact, you know that the possibilities is almost impossible. It's really scared the hell outta me.
